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New Lawn Installs



Who Are We

Hydro Seeding

We offer Hydroseeding as our go to lawn installation process!

Hydroseeding is the best seeding option in most lawn applications besides an instant lawn like sod! Hydroseeded lawns like all new lawns minus sod will take 2-3 years to get to full growth potential and thickness.


Why is Hydroseeding the only option we offer?

  •   Establishes quicker  than  traditional  seeding  methods

  •   Higher germination  rates

  •   Produces  a  lawn  with  a  deeper  root system

  •   Costs less  than  sod

  •   Requires less  water  than  sod  or  traditional  seed

  •   Prevents  erosion  and  won’t  wash  away 

  • Does not have straw to blow off and around in the wind




How is Hydroseeding done?​​

  • We analyze your soil content and determine fertilizer or amendments needed for optimal growing conditions, and add amendments as necessary​

  • We then grade and prep your yard for final contours with new topsoil as needed with our specialized soil prepping equipment. 

  • Once we have final graded and prepared your seed bed we mix our hydroseed mixture with the proper seed ratio and fertilizer ratio for your lawn with our specialized hydroseed machine.

  • We then Spray your lawn with our specialized hydroseed mixture

  • You take it from there! You will need to keep your lawn watered well for the first 1-2 months daily and you should start seeing grass poking up in 3-7 days!



Sod - The Instant Lawn Solution!

We offer Sod as our instant Lawn option!


Don't want to wait for your grass to grow for months on end to enjoy your new outdoor space? Sod is the option for you!

Don't want to nurse a full lawn for the first 2-3 years after installation to full health? Sod is the option for you!


Why is Sod the Instant Option?

  • Establishes within 2 weeks and usually at complete health within 1 month

  • Sod has the HIGHEST success rate for new lawns

  • Late Fall Sod sometimes requires no watering*


*Watering is always recommended & required for any warranty. 





How is Sod done?​​

  • We analyze your soil content and determine fertilizer or amendments needed for optimal growing conditions, and add amendments as necessary​

  • We then grade and prep your yard for final contours with new topsoil as needed with our specialized soil prepping equipment. 

  • Once we have final graded and prepared your lawn prepped we carefully install sod rolls, prep the seams and overseed if necessary to blend old with new

  • You take it from there! You will need to keep your lawn watered well for the first month and you should see establishment in 2 weeks.



What Value does Sod provide vs Hydroseed?

  • Sod usually cost more than hydroseed. - *site conditions vary costs*

  • While cost is usually more, there's more than meets the eye in purchase price, it is an instant lawn solution. The only thing money can't buy is time (unless you're installing a lawn!)

  • Get more time to spend with your family by installing sod with reduced maintenance and care to get your lawn going!

  • Less weeds on establishment 

  • Less Water costs than Seeding!



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(920) 383-1560

©2022 by Wildflower Landscapers, LLC.

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